As promised, here's a sampling of my recent show with Wayne at the Venetian in Vegas. This scene is a word at a time story. Click the 'play' button on the control bar to view.
IN OTHER SAK NEWS - I had what has now come to be a rare appearance at SAK on Saturday night (August 11th). Gotta say how delighted I always am when I see the audiences coming out of our shows. I had a great time performing and both the 8 and 10 shows were fun and funny. The 8pm show was completely sold out which warms my heart - for the theater, for the performers, and for the bottom line. Shows and nights like that give me a breath of relief thinking about the next payroll, knowing we'll be able to pay everybody for their hard work and keep the bills current as well. I had family at the 8pm - Morgan's mom Joyce and her husband Bill, a relative from out of town I can't even title - cousin? Grand nephew once removed on mother's side? I don't know, his name was Tim. As well as Morgan's step brother Scott and his friend Holly. They just happened to be there on the same night. They looked at the SAK web site when trying to find something to do Saturday night and saw that I was playing ( - What's On Tonight? - Tonight's Cast). So it was a great night with lots of friendly faces in attendance.
After the shows it made me realize how much fun I have on the SAK stage. I really ought to be there performing more regularly. The other ensemble members I think really come alive when I'm there. Some of it I'm sure is "the boss is here, better shape up" but I like to think some of it is my energy when I'm there is infectious and livens up the place. Everybody was so funny and I had such a good time performing with them and even just sitting on the side of the stage and watching them perform. But the best part is watching and listening to the audience as they're leaving the theater. Everyone seems so filled with joy - exactly what we're after. And seeing the many differences in age, race, etc. is so wonderful. It truly is something that is equally enjoyed by young and old, black, white, asian, hispanic (leave anybody out?), oh yeah, Lithuanian. I love hearing the comments about how refreshing it is to watch a comedy show that isn't filled with profanity, harsh language, and content that makes you feel a little yucky inside. I love to be part of an experience that parents can do with their kids and neither feels awkward with the other there.
A highlight of Saturday's show was the "Slice of Life" - a part of our show dedicated to one individual with the entire cast performing a musical or shakespeare style scene about their life. This moment in our show has become so popular we now charge for it and it's still sold almost every show. Well last night we were performing a Slice for Adrian Matlin, celebrating her 24th birthday. Her boyfriend Kahlil has set it all up and called us earlier in the day and asked if it would be possible for him to propose to Adrian during our show as well. This too has become an increasingly popular event at SAK so of course we were happy to oblige. We performed the scene and at the end found silly excuses to bring Adrian on the stage replacing the improviser playing her, and then did the same for the improviser playing Kahlil. We then just sort of drifted away to the sidelines leaving the two alone on the stage and Kahlil took over, got on his knee, showed the ring and proposed. Thank God Adrian said "Yes." We do have it on tape and I'll probably get a piece of it posted sometime soon.
Enough for now. Look for more video from my Vegas show with Wayne Brady in the near future.