Saturday, February 03, 2007

Where Oh Where Has My Little Dave Been

Wow. I just looked at my blog and the last entry was September 2006. That's over 8 months ago. (Not very good at math). This is maybe the first time since then I've had a chance to post an entry. Why so long? And what's been keeping me? Well, most of September was taken preparing for rehearsal for Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor Comedy Club at Disney. That is a show I'm directing for Disney which will open in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom. There will be much more on that in the next several posts, but suffice it to say, it has had me full-time busy since the first of October.

We were scheduled to open in mid-January but postponed the opening until "the Spring of 2007." That's vague enough, eh? In addition to that there's been lots of other stuff going on with SAK, etc. Last week I looked at a few potential new venues for SAK so all that will be in the MeBloggyBloggy news over the next several weeks.

This weekend I was actually afforded some breathing room. I am in Tempe Arizona where the breathing is physiologically easier. I'm doing some shows with Wayne Brady at the Tempe Improv and we've just finished our last shows for the weekend. The shows as always are very fun and the crowds are great - every show sold out! Yippee!

Certainly more fun news to come (and more regularly) as time unfolds. Yesterday I did an interview with Mark Baratelli for his Arts podcast show, I'll have a link to that up as soon as possible.

I'm back in Orlando tomorrow and have one more show with Wayne - a corporate gig at the Gaylord Palms. Then back to work at the Monsters Inc. show.